The Biggest Email Marketing Mistakes You’re Probably Making (And How to Fix Them)

The Biggest Email Marketing Mistakes You’re Probably Making (And How to Fix Them)

Let me guess—you’ve been sending emails to your list, but something just isn’t clicking. Maybe your open rates are low, your click-throughs are non-existent, or worse—your subscribers are ghosting you. 😳

Before you throw in the towel and decide email marketing just isn’t your thing, let me hit you with some truth: You’re probably making a few common mistakes. And don’t worry—we’ve all been there.

The good news? These mistakes are super fixable. 🙌 Once you know what’s going wrong and how to tweak it, you can turn those underperforming emails into cash machines.

Let’s dive into the top email marketing mistakes you might be making—and how to fix them fast.

1. You’re Not Really Connecting with Your Audience

This is the #1 mistake I see. If you’re sending emails that feel generic, distant, or “salesy,” your audience is going to tune out faster than you can say unsubscribe.

People don’t want to feel like they’re reading a cold, robotic sales pitch—they want to connect with a person. They want to know who you are and feel like you’re speaking directly to them.

How to fix it:

  • Segment your list: Don’t send the same email to everyone on your list. Separate new subscribers, loyal customers, and inactive subscribers so you can send more personalized messages.
  • Write like you talk: Ditch the corporate-sounding language and start writing like you’re chatting with a friend. Keep it real, keep it conversational.

2. You’re Sending Too Many (or Too Few) Emails

Finding the right email frequency is key to staying top of mind without becoming annoying. If you’re spamming your subscribers’ inboxes, they’ll hit unsubscribe real quick. But if you’re sending emails once in a blue moon, they’ll forget who you are.

How to fix it:

  • Test different frequencies: There’s no one-size-fits-all here, but a good starting point is sending 1-3 emails per week. See how your audience responds and adjust accordingly.
  • Set up automations: Use automated sequences like a welcome flow or abandoned cart series to keep things consistent without overwhelming your list.

3. Weak Call to Action (CTA)

Let’s be real: If your CTA isn’t clear, strong, and easy to find, your email isn’t going to convert. People need to know exactly what you want them to do next.

If your CTA is buried at the bottom of your email or it’s too vague (“Click here if you want to maybe check it out…”), you’re missing out on sales.

How to fix it:

  • Use action words: Be direct! Try CTAs like “Get Your Free Guide,” “Grab It Now,” or “Shop the Sale.”
  • Highlight your CTA: Use buttons or bold text to make your CTA pop, and make sure it’s super clear what action you want your readers to take.

4. Ignoring Email Automation

If you’re manually sending every email, you’re doing way too much work and missing out on sales that could be happening while you sleep. Automating key parts of your email strategy, like your welcome series or post-purchase follow-ups, is a game-changer.

With automations, you’re able to nurture leads, engage customers, and make sales without lifting a finger. 💸

How to fix it:

  • Start with a welcome flow: This is the most important automation you can set up. It introduces your brand to new subscribers and sets the stage for future sales.
  • Don’t overcomplicate it: Start with simple flows, like welcome sequences or abandoned cart emails, and then expand as you get more comfortable.

5. Your Subject Lines Are Flat

Let’s be honest—no one’s going to open your email if the subject line is boring. Your subject line is your first (and sometimes only) chance to grab their attention, so you’ve got to make it irresistible.

How to fix it:

  • Keep it short and snappy: Aim for around 6-10 words, and make sure your subject line is clear and intriguing.
  • Use curiosity, urgency, or personalization: Try something like, “Are You Making This Email Mistake?” or “Your Exclusive Offer Ends Tonight!”

Want to Turn Your Emails into Sales Machines?

If you’re making any of these mistakes, it’s time to stop leaving money on the table and start seeing results from your email marketing.

The good news? You don’t have to figure this out on your own.

I created the Emails to Cash course to help you turn your emails into revenue-generating machines. 🚀 Inside, you’ll find:

  • Step-by-step templates for writing high-converting emails
  • Proven strategies to build trust and connect with your audience
  • Easy-to-implement tips for automating your emails and boosting your sales

Ready to stop guessing and start growing your business through email? Click here to grab the Emails to Cash guide and start turning your emails into $$$ today!

Fix These Mistakes and Watch Your Emails Convert

Email marketing doesn’t have to be complicated, but if you’re making these common mistakes, it can feel like a struggle. The best part? These are all fixable, and once you make these tweaks, you’ll see your open rates, clicks, and sales climb.

Want to take the guesswork out of email marketing? Grab my Emails to Cash guide course here and get the tools you need to transform your emails into revenue-driving assets.

You’ve got this!

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