How to Write Emails That Don’t Sound Salesy (But Still Make You Money)

How to Write Emails That Don’t Sound Salesy (But Still Make You Money)

Let’s be real—no one likes opening their inbox to find a sales pitch staring back at them. It’s cringey, and let’s face it, most people hit delete without a second thought.

So, if you’ve been sending emails that feel like you’re trying to sell ice to a snowman, don’t panic—you’re not alone. Writing emails that sell without sounding pushy is an art. And guess what? It’s totally doable. 🙌

I’m going to break it down for you so that you can write emails that feel like a chat with a friend and still bring in the $$$.

Why “Salesy” Emails Aren’t Working

The biggest mistake I see? People go straight for the hard sell. It’s like walking into a party and immediately shouting, “BUY MY STUFF!” Not cute, right?

Your audience wants to feel connected to you—they’re more likely to buy from someone they trust, not someone who’s shoving products down their throat.

So how do you sell without feeling like a pushy infomercial? Let’s get into it.

1. Start with a Story

People don’t want to be sold to, but they love a good story. Sharing a quick, personal story builds trust and makes your emails feel more like a conversation.

For example, instead of launching straight into a product pitch, start by sharing something relatable—maybe it’s a challenge you faced, a funny moment, or even how you discovered a solution to a problem your audience is dealing with.

“Hey girl hey,
You know that moment when you spill coffee all over your keyboard and wonder if the universe is out to get you? Yeah, that happened to me last week. But it made me realize I need a better desk setup…”

From there, you can naturally lead into how your product or service solves the problem you just shared. See? No hard sell, just a story they can relate to. 😉

2. Keep It Conversational

Think about it—how do you talk to your best friend? You’re not using stuffy, formal language, right? You’re keeping it real. That’s exactly how your emails should sound.

Use words and phrases you’d actually say in real life. Write like you talk. The more conversational you are, the more your audience will feel like they’re talking to someone they trust—and that’s what makes them want to buy.

Instead of saying, “We have a special offer available today,” try something like:
“I’ve got something so good to share with you today—trust me, you’re gonna love it!”

It’s all about sounding like YOU—not a sales robot.

3. Focus on Helping, Not Selling

This is key. Shift your mindset from “I need to sell this” to “How can I help my audience?” When you make your emails about solving their problems, instead of just pushing your product, it changes everything.

Your goal should be to offer value, whether that’s a tip, a story, or a solution to something they’re struggling with. Then, when you introduce your product or service, it doesn’t feel like a sales pitch—it feels like a natural next step.

“BTW, if you’re as tired of those coffee spills as I am, check out this desk organizer that’s seriously been a lifesaver for me. I’ve been obsessed with it ever since that oops moment last week.”

It feels like a recommendation from a friend, not a pushy sales tactic.

4. Use Soft CTAs

Now, I know you want people to take action (buy, sign up, click), but here’s the thing: you don’t always need to use aggressive calls to action. Sometimes, a softer approach works even better.

Instead of “BUY NOW!” or “SHOP TODAY!” try something more low-key like “Check this out” or “Take a peek.” You’re still giving them the option to take action, but it doesn’t feel like you’re twisting their arm.

“Curious to see what I’m talking about? Take a peek here.”

It’s less pressure, and it makes the reader feel like they have a choice—which, let’s be real, we all like.

Want to Get This Right Every Time?

I know that balancing conversational emails with sales can feel tricky, but you don’t have to guess your way through it. Inside my Emails to Cash program, I’ve got templates and step-by-step strategies that teach you exactly how to craft emails that connect, convert, and feel nothing like a sales pitch. 🙌

If you’re ready to start writing emails that actually bring in the money without feeling salesy, click here to check out the Emails to Cash guide. You’ll get everything you need to make your emails a game-changer for your business.

Be Real, Sell More

At the end of the day, it’s simple—if your emails feel authentic, your audience will connect, trust, and buy. Stop focusing on the sale, and start focusing on the story and the solution. The sales will come naturally.

Ready to level up your email game? Click here to grab my Emails to Cash guide and start writing emails that feel like a conversation—and turn into cash. 💸

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